Tuesday 3 July 2012

A Fresh Start

Hilarion: You and the Earth and All Her Inhabitants are Being Given a Fresh Start

2012 JULY 2
Posted by Alice C

Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – July 1, 2012

Beloved Ones,
Across your World, weather patterns are changing and creating a great cleansing as old stagnant energies are dissolved and dissipated. These weather anomalies will continue as humankind releases all that is not Love from their Beings.
The great transformation of everything continues unabated as the new higher energies from the Cosmos come into your atmosphere. Do not lose heart during these times, Dear Ones, and help each other when it is needed. As the old ways of expression are dissolved in this higher Light, more Light enters the cells to take its place and this is felt by Humanity at a deep, deep level. As more Light enters your personal energy field, your DNA is activated and more strands of it light up within you...

There are many deeply embedded thoughts and stories within you that come from previous generations which are passed on genetically through the DNA coding and as these are activated into life again, will pass through your four lower bodies. If you do not engage and fall into these stories but merely observe them, these will dissipate. Your bodies are living libraries of all that has gone before and so the stories in them that have been passed on through your ancestral lines will be activated. Observe them with detachment and they will fall away...

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